We are happy to announce that we are re-introducing our memberships!
Tier 1: Hummingbird Membership
- $40 monthly
- One free B12 booster per month
- 15% off IV services and boosters
- 10% off retail products
- One complimentary IV drip on your birthday, valued up to $165
To get started, click the button below and select “Yes” under “Are you purchasing a membership?” to get started.
Tier 2: Cardinal Membership
- $219 monthly
- One free booster OR one free IV add on monthly (excludes NAD)
- Includes one of the following IV drips:
- Myers Cocktail
- Immune Support
- Infinite
- Radiance
- 15% off additional services (excludes NAD drips)
- 10% off retail products
- Complimentary IV on your birthday, valued up to $242
To get started, click the button below and select “Yes” under “Are you purchasing a membership?” to get started.
Tier 3: Eagle Membership
- $438 monthly
- Two free boosters OR IV add ons monthly (add ons exclude NAD)
- Includes two of the following drips:
- Myers Cocktail
- Immune Support
- Infinite
- Radiance
- Zen
- Brilliant Mind
- 20% off additional services (excludes NAD drips)
- 15% off retail products
- Complimentary IV drip on your birthday, valued up to $330 (excludes NAD drips)
To get started, click the button below and select “Yes” under “Are you purchasing a membership?” to get started.